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I'm Justin and I was born and raised in New York.

I travel a lot and always leave a country fatter than when I entered it. I built this website to share all the recipes I've learned while abroad.


Left to my own devices, you are not going to find me at a fine dining establishment. I'm sorry, but I have no interest in going to the 198 michelin star rated, overpriced, water front restaurant with a dress code.

I'm always in search of the family run hole-in-the-wall that uses their great-great-grandmother's recipe and ingredients sourced from their cousin's farm.

You'll either find me respectfully enjoying the homely meal or on my way back from the bar, scarfing down an excessive but necessary amount of grease in the form of food.

Pizza in NY, döner kebab in Berlin, bun bo hue in Hue, al pastor tacos in Mexico City, biryani in Hyderabad, mole in Oaxaca, khao soi in Chiang Mai......I can go on and on. I'll happily take any of those dishes over the set menu from the #1 rated restaurant in the world.

Where have I been?

I left my job in 2017 with a one-way ticket to South America and I've been traveling on and off ever since.

34 countries, and counting.



I have two goals for every place I visit:

  1. Try every regional dish
  2. Learn at least one new recipe
"You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind." - Anthony Bourdain

Words can't describe how grateful I feel for all the people I've met on the road:

The fellow travelers I tirelessly dragged along to find some obscure regional dish.

The people who invited me into their kitchens to cook along side them.

The people who shared their family recipes with me.

They have, collectively, left me with this website. I can only hope I left something good for them as well.

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